Lastfire News

July 2024

Foam Workshop September 2024

Following the success and feedback from the Foam Workshop in February, we are holding a similar event in September 2024 to be held at Centro Jovellanos in Spain. See attached flyer for more information.

 Workshop September 2024 Flyer 

Latest Headlines

Press Release October 2016

Please see link below for the LASTFIRE October 2016 Press Release. Press Release October 2016 Read More

London Meeting Presentations now Online!

Log in to view and download the latest LASTFIRE presentations from the meeting in London (May 2016) Read More

New LASTFIRE Website now live!

Through this portal, LASTFIRE members are able to access the latest information on Large Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires and related Fire Hazard Management issues. The LASTFIRE ... Read More

Buncefield Investigation Weblink

Here you can access the official Buncefield Incident Investigation website. Click the link below. Buncefield Investigation (External Website Link)   ... Read More
